
200+ Ideas, short haircuts for women after 50

Do you want to look beautiful and stylish, but at the same time not spend a ton of time on styling and hair care? Short haircuts for women over 50 are designed just for such occasions. Moreover, among them there are both flirtatious, slightly daring, and elegant options. About who they are suitable for and what their features are, we will tell further!


The main focus is on the front strands, which gradually lengthen, starting from the level of the ears. At the same time, the tips are carefully milled, due to which they retain their clear shape. For women over 50, this haircut will help visually narrow the oval of the face and hide its imperfections. Ladder looks best on straight or only slightly wavy hair.

Short Cascade

Cascade always includes layering. The strands are superimposed on each other in a jet row, thanks to which the hair, both in a straightened and curled state, creates the look of a salon styling. Everyone can wear a cascade haircut, but for owners of oval or triangular faces, it is better not to narrow the hair closer to the back of the head, but leave it slightly sticking out.



Bob gives his owner tenderness, softness and fragility. It goes well with a long thin neck and any face shape. Bob does not require mandatory styling, but it looks more advantageous with straightened or slightly wavy hair.




Bob is one of the most trendy short haircuts for women over 50. It makes its owner look younger and more stylish. He is preferred by both business ladies and easy-going creative people. If you want to look modern and fresh, a bob is the best way to achieve this!

However, women with a wide neck should be careful when choosing such a haircut – it can emphasize her flaws!


Classic square

Well, where without elegant classics? Kare, with so many subspecies, is suitable for absolutely everyone. The only recommendation is the presence of straight or oblique bangs without excessive volume or fleece. Without it, the classic haircut will look a little awkward.







Long bob

But for an elongated caret, bangs are not so important. It is necessary only for women with an oval face type or a high forehead, as the elongated version of the haircut stretches the face even more. Such a square is especially recommended for ladies with curvaceous or short necks, as it helps to hide flaws.





Leg bob

For this caret, the hair at the back of the head is cut very short, or shaved on the minimum nozzle of the machine. This haircut is not suitable for women over 50 who have posture problems or a long, thin neck. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. A square on a leg refreshes your appearance well and will cool you off a few years!





Asymmetrical haircut

Who said that non-standard forms of hairstyles were invented only for young girls? These haircuts also look great on women over 50, expressing their active, curious, and sometimes adventurous nature!

Ladies who like experiments without big risks, it is better to create asymmetry on the front strands, making them longer on one side. And the most reckless can try to play with the length and levels of hair on the back of the head. And for this, it is better to choose such haircuts as a bob or whim, and not a page or a classic bob.





Peculiar, but very interesting haircuts for women over 50 allow you to solve the most necessary task – to visually rejuvenate the image.

Modern hair stylists offer a lot of interesting options for ladies of Balzac age.

At this age, you can safely experiment with your image, look for something unusual, but always suitable for your face.

For an oval face, it’s easier than ever to choose an interesting haircut. The proportions of an oval face are close to the canons of beauty. An overly elongated face is easily corrected with graduated bangs. Women whose oval tends to a circle, on the contrary, are advised to abandon this detail. With hard, smooth hair, a bob haircut looks great.

Modern haircuts for women over 50, as well as haircuts for women over 40 with an oval face, can be shortened. It would be right to choose an option with an extension with a rare bang.

Haircuts for women over 50 for overweight women

Haircuts for women over 50 for full, must have volume. Otherwise, the head will look small compared to the proportions of the body.

Regardless of the oval, plump women have large facial features. Therefore, over-opening should be avoided. It is recommended to give preference to this haircut option, in which there will be framing strands. A short flight of stairs allows you to visually stretch your face, while a bob haircut, on the contrary, emphasizes this feature.




Short haircuts for women over 50

At this jubilee age, most often, the hair most often becomes dull, weakened and thin. Therefore, only the very thought of a beautiful hairstyle is perceived as an ordinary fantasy. But in fact, there is a great way to fix the current situation. To do this, you only need to decide on a short haircut. What is remarkable about short haircuts for women over 50? First of all, they are diverse, elegant and allow you to visually hide age.




Haircuts for women over 50 without styling

A dynamic lifestyle often leaves no time for complex styling. But today there are a lot of options for haircuts that do not need careful care, but at the same time look incomparable.

Such haircuts for women after 50 without styling include: elongated bob, cascade, French haircuts, short bob haircuts.

Haircuts that make women look younger after 50

The right haircut is a universal anti-aging remedy. Elegant or short, they are able to change the appearance beyond recognition.

An important feature of haircuts for women over 50 years old, photos of which can be viewed on the Internet, is, first of all, elegance and ease of styling. Which haircut is right for you? Any hairdresser can easily answer this question for you. Do not neglect going to beauty salons, because a well-groomed appearance will not only cause admiring glances of others, but also raise self-esteem.

There are various types of haircuts on our website. Browse through the photo collection, and perhaps you will choose an interesting option for yourself that will help display your inner world and give the image a special personality.


A woman at any age wants to look attractive and well-groomed. From a certain age, haircut and hair color have to be chosen especially thoughtfully. Everything plays a role: length, hair structure, the need for frequent styling. The modern fashion industry offers women aged 50+ a wide selection of interesting haircuts to match a noble age.

Beautiful examples

You can be inspired by a successful image created by the most famous stylists and hairdressers. It’s not bad to create something unique with the help of your master, which is best suited for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment with shape, length and color. Updating the image often brings with it a successful renewal of life.

See the video below for an overview of stylish haircuts for women 50 years old.

The right haircut can instantly erase several years from your face. Especially when it comes to haircuts after 50, they should be chosen carefully. There are forms that make us older. Consider haircuts for women over 50 who are young and trendy in 2023.



Fashionable haircuts after 50 for women

Stepped and voluminous haircuts are a good way to give your hair movement. It is important to remove clear, horizontal lines from the face. The more asymmetry, the better. The right haircuts for women after 50 who are younger are multi-layered, dynamic, stylish.

You can choose any length if the quality of the hair allows. There is no strict rule that you need to cut short.

Curtain bangs, side bangs or voluminous bangs are the best accessory to look younger.

In The Devil Wears Prada, actress Meryl Streep wears the perfect hairstyle for an elegant yet casual look. She pairs a slightly longer pixie cut with side parting and layered bangs. The hair is casually thrown to one side – the bangs give an additional portion of volume at the roots. This look optimally hides a wide forehead and is therefore particularly suitable for heart-shaped or round faces.


Mallet is one of the trendiest hairstyles of 2023. Graduation is done not only along the length, but also on the bangs. Volumetric bangs are the hallmark of a haircut. It ends about 3-4 mm above the eyebrows and makes the face more harmonious.

Hairstyle options for women 50 and older for your inspiration.


Today we’ll talk about haircuts for women 50+, hair color, what to pay close attention to when choosing a hairstyle. It’s no secret that the older a woman is, the more difficult it is to maintain sophistication and elegance. Age takes its toll, whatever one may say: gray hair breaks through, curls lose their splendor and elasticity, density gradually thins out. The topic is serious, the topic is important. Let’s analyze it in more detail.

Coloring that will make you look younger

Hair coloring for women is a very important aspect of personal care. This is up to 30 years old, you can safely enjoy your natural shade. But closer to 50 years, hair loses not only shine, but also color.


Blondes often become owners of a “mouse” color, fair-haired – asphalt, and brunettes or brown-haired women go gray. Yes, gray hair can also be beautiful, but still it is necessary to carefully monitor this nuance.


You should choose the color of the paint based on your color type: cold – cold colors, warm – warm colors. Radical youth coloring at an “elegant” age is inappropriate, but if you really, really want to, and the lifestyle itself is like that, then why not? Courage at any age decorates.

The paint must have a high degree of durability, be a professional product. Such a requirement is not without reason. The fact is that with age, the structure of the hair changes, especially for gray hair. And the behavior of paint from a budget manufacturer can be unpredictable.

So what staining technique to choose?


In simple terms, monochrome is painting with one color. A great option for completely covering gray hair. Caring for monochrome is easy. It is enough to tint the roots in a timely manner.


Monochrome is great for any haircuts, but especially for bob, pixie and other short hairstyles when the hair length does not exceed 5 cm.


For several years now, the gradient has been at the forefront of various staining techniques. There are many options: ombre, balayage, shatush, babylights and others.


The difference is in the methods. But the leitmotif is the same – stretching the color. The beauty of the gradient is that the right paint color makes it possible to ignore the regrown roots. Well, contrasting coloring, for example, lightening the tips, gives you complete freedom: you don’t have to go to the salon, like to work.



Gradient is a great option for those women who have almost no gray hair.

Highlighting and coloring

This is a classic hair coloring medium and longer. This method favorably emphasizes the image, decorates the hairstyle, makes it expressive, bright. Ideal for those who do not want or are not used to clogging their hair with paint. By the way, highlighting is a salvation for blondes, whose color gradually becomes an incomprehensible gray color with the addition of gray hair.

Fashionable styling works wonders and gives youth

If you remember the times of youth of our grandmothers and mothers, then it becomes creepy from those structures that they created on their heads with the help of secret houses, bouffants, hairpieces. One only “Babbeta” what cost! In the modern world, there is no time for standing in front of a mirror for an hour in the morning. The motto of modern women: “Shake your head and go!” And this is quite understandable.


Often, the daily schedule of a mature, modern woman is far from “work-home-borscht-grandchildren-garden”. Yes, even if so, you still want to change the image in 3 minutes, and not in 2 hours with a stylist. Therefore, a fashionable haircut and styling must be chosen ultra-simple and super-light. And, of course, styling should refresh a woman, give her youth, decorate.

There are many styling options. But there are two main directions: retro and modern.

Retro style speaks for itself. Hairstyles from the 60s, 70s are gaining wild popularity. And many of them do not require much work and time. Curls, curls, light bouffant, fixation, decor. That’s all wisdom.


As for the modern style, everything is simple here – negligence. It is enough to wind the hair on the curling iron and lightly comb it with your fingers – the hairstyle is ready. What about “roosters”? If earlier such an incident was the height of inaccuracy, now they are released intentionally when weaving braids or collecting a tail.



Age is not a hindrance

You shouldn’t hide your age. The trend is natural wilting, which should be beautiful and elegant. Being young is a sign of bad taste, and has long been synonymous with vulgarity. It should be understood that this term does not mean the desire to look young, but the desire to stand on the same level with youth.



Agree that a woman 50+ with a mohawk on her head painted with all the colors of the rainbow is just ridiculous. But it’s too early to sculpt grandmother’s “red mullet” on the head. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to such stylish haircuts and hairstyles that will hide flaws, for example, a network of wrinkles, and emphasize dignity.

There is another very important nuance: a full face. The goal is to hide roundness, lengthen the line of the face, visual relief. This is achieved by the rejection of even, straight lines, short straight bangs or its absence, hair length to the shoulders. For a full face, a bob with a border along the chin line, short haircuts that expose the temples and the back of the head, monochrome coloring, and a rigid fixation of styling are contraindicated.

Choosing a haircut according to the type of face is a very important and difficult stage. Moreover, what was suitable 10 years ago may become completely unacceptable. Therefore, do not neglect this step.

For example, the much-loved red-burgundy shade of hair ages a woman by 10 years at once. Black adds age even to a 20-year-old girl. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to natural colors.

Pixie has several versions:

  • . The length is very short in the occipital and temporal regions. The crown is slightly longer. With the help of thinning, the ends are processed in such a way as to achieve the effect of feathers. The main volume of the haircut falls on the parietal zone;
  • . This option is suitable for those who do not risk radically removing the length. With the help of an elongated Pixie, you can “try on” a new look without the risk of being disappointed. The hair in the occipital and temporal zones is removed to a length that will be in harmony with the strands near the face;
  • . The Cascade technique is used. The neck remains open, the ears are covered either halfway or completely. At the back of the head and crown, the hair is graduated;
  • . This option is chosen by business and strict women. The image becomes refined and aristocratic. With such a haircut, the ears are completely open, the temporal strands are feather-shaped, and the back of the head is cut in a V-shape;
  • Suitable for those ladies who have a beautiful, harmonious forehead and regular features. The haircut is as short as possible, the bangs are almost absent or have the form of short feathers.
  • With oblique bangs. The classic version of Pixie, but the bangs are cut obliquely. Her task is to hide the traces of age in the forehead.
  • With shaved temples. For extravagant women who are not a hindrance to age. One or both temples are shaved. The asymmetric version looks very beautiful and gives a special zest to the image.


Kare is a classic. Kara has no age. This haircut can change your look in seconds. Smooth, straight hair gives severity during the day, and in the evening, a few minutes of work with a curling iron is enough, as the image becomes romantic and incredibly feminine. Kare requires coloring, even if a woman has beautiful gray hair.

  • The classic version of a square. Straight cut along the chin line. The bangs remain optional. If a woman chose the option with bangs, then her cut is the same as that of the entire haircut.
  • For women over 50, bangs are essential. In general, this haircut element gives a special charm to any image. But in our case, it perfectly masks wrinkles in the forehead area. The length of the bangs is selected individually.
  • “Children, your mother is 17 again. You just believe, and you will understand later!” The words of the famous song very accurately reflect the style of this haircut. Hooligan, perky, combat graded squares are refreshing and can easily “reset” a couple of decades. Especially if you add a bang with a ragged cut.
  • Nothing mysterious. This is the usual bob on curly and wavy hair. This option should be chosen carefully, otherwise there is a risk of becoming like a poodle or lap dog. Especially this point should be taken into account for ladies with magnificent forms.
  • Kare on the leg. The hair at the back of the head is cut short. And the strands from the crown and temporal zone have a good length. This option is possible for slender women with the ideal shape of the back of the head.
  • Quite a rare version of a bob with bangs. Not suitable for everyone.


This wonderful haircut suits everyone without exception. Universal for any age and image. Many options for execution make it easy to combine it with absolutely any appearance. Bob suits tall and petite, chubby and thin, women of “berry” age and ladies of “tsarist times”. In general, submissive to all ages. There are plenty to choose from:

  • Short crown and elongated strands around the face. Volume is created by cutting hair in different directions. The number of layers required for the desired result is determined by the master;
  • “Fungus” or “on a leg”. Haircut for short, fragile women with thick hair. The back of the head rises high, the neck is open. The hair at the temples falls at an angle to the chin. When viewed from the front, the haircut resembles a bob. Be sure to have bangs. It is either straight or oblique. It all depends on the facial features.
  • A find for women with a round or square face. Graduation allows you not to spend a lot of time on laying, or even completely ignore this moment. Ragged strands create a good volume, which visually lightens the shape of the face.
  • With shaved temples. Surprising option. Suitable for strong women with a sharp character. Shaved whiskey can be decorated with a pattern. The only negative is the complexity of care. With such a haircut, it is unacceptable to forget about visiting the master.
  • The name speaks for itself. The haircut itself makes the image romantic. Soft lines add femininity, smooth out sharp features.

Favorite haircut for active women. At the crown and temples, the hair is short, and starting from the middle of the back of the head, it gradually lengthens. But only for the length of the neck. The density of the occipital strands must be removed. Haircut does not require styling. It is enough to give direction to the crown and smooth the occipital strands.


This haircut periodically disappears from the field of view of fashionistas, but now it has begun to gain momentum again. And this is understandable. The cascade is unpretentious in styling, does not require regular visits to the salon, makes it easy to grow hair or vice versa to go into shorter options. It is absolutely universal for any image: from sports to romantic. This haircut looks great on straight and curly hair, suitable for women of any height and complexion. The cascade has many options. It cuts to any length. And on its basis, many other haircuts are made.

This hairstyle will hide flaws and emphasize dignity. Refreshes the image and erases the traces of time. There are many options: from a shaved temple, to a very good length on both sides. Gives the image a special femininity and elegance. An asymmetric square, for example, at an average length brings notes of aristocracy.

Artistic mess in an orderly direction. Here is the description of this haircut. Aurora goes to everyone. It is often confused with a cascade, but there is a difference. It can be called the sister of the cascade. Haircut maintenance is simple. You can easily do without styling. There is no need to visit the salon often. Cuts short to medium hair.


Maria Bogach

🌟 A seasoned fashion writer and stylist, she expertly explores the intersection of culture and fashion, offering insights that inspire and guide others in refining their personal style.

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